A clean workspace means a clean mind. And a clean mind means better productivity...
You spend most of your waking hours working. And while you are probably passionate about what you do (after all it is something you dreamt of doing once upon a time), there's no question that sometimes work can feel labour intensive and boring.
Studies suggest that the state of a person's physical space can impact their ability to perform tasks. When workspace is cluttered, so is our minds and it can take longer to get things done. So, by creating a calm, clean workspace and you will find you are more productive, less distracted and you will be far more likely to be creative in the task at hand.
ᴿᴹ Limit items on your desk
When you're working, you should only have the items that you will be needing. That might be your laptop, a notepad and a pen; it may be more or less items, can be something different altogether. Know what you need to be using and only have those items in your workspace.
ᴿᴹ Don't have junk drawers
Your desk drawers are for work purposes only. So, only store things you might need while working so this could include post-it notes, pens and other bits of stationery. Avoid having any form of junk drawer anywhere if at all possible as they only create junk, distractions and low-key hoarding.
ᴿᴹ Get rid of distractions Keep distractions at bay. It's great to have cleared the clutter from your desk, but have you got rid of the distractions? Your phone for instance can be very distracting. When getting yourself into work mode, switch off your phone or turn it to silent. Same goes for anything else you find distracting.
ᴿᴹ Get organised
What is your schedule looking like? Do you know when you're free and when you have made plans with friends and all the meetings you have? Make sure that they are all noted in one space, be it electronically or on paper. I am a big pen-to-paper girl and a Filofax is what I use to keep me organised with my life.
ᴿᴹ Use a notepad
Keep a notepad close to hand even if you are all about technology and all the latest gadgets and gizmos. You never know when an idea is going to come to you and when you have a notepad close by you can quickly jot down your thoughts.