Altruism has been linked to happiness. So why not try doing some of these acts and boost your own happiness in the process...
ᴿᴹ Donate blood
If you weigh over 50kgs and have a relatively healthy lifestyle, then you could consider donating blood. There are several blood donation spots dotted around the country so you can find one close to you and pick a time and date of your convenience to donate blood. They will take a pint of blood, after which, they will encourage you to stay there for a while and drink plenty of fluids before they allow you to do any movement. Donating blood just once can go up to help four people.
ᴿᴹ Fund raise for a charity
Host a fund raising event, run a bake sale, run a marathon, etc.. The options of how you could raise money for any charity is endless. Get creative and think of fun, unique ways to go about it. You will not only raise money but also raise an awareness for different causes and the different charities that exist.
ᴿᴹ Volunteer time to charity
All charities could benefit from extra manpower. Explore all the different charities and organisations you are interested and passionate about. See what volunteering options they have and ways in which you could provide manpower and support.
ᴿᴹ Donate clothes
Go through your wardrobe and cull whatever you don't want or need. Put all clothes and accessories in a bag and take to a charity shop at the next opportunity. Clothes that you do not wear just take up space in your wardrobe and are just collecting dust. Give your clothes to someone else who is likely to find some excitement in them.
ᴿᴹ Donate hair
If you have long virgin hair and are willing to cut off at least 7 inches of it, then consider donating to Little Princess' Trust. This is a charity that makes wigs for children who have suffered hair loss due to a physical health reason.
ᴿᴹ Share your skills for free
You have skills; wether that's something self-taught or something you learnt through years of training. Why not share the skills for free. You could schedule online classes or informally part your wisdom to your friends and family.