A tidy space equates a tidy mind...
I firmly believe that a person's living environment is a reflection of their mental health. And while living in a clean environment may not be the solution to all of someone's fears and worries, it certainly helps to limit clutter in a room. The way I see it, less clutter in the room means less clutter in the head.
A few years ago, we had some major renovation work done on our house. This was exciting; I was given a blank canvas to do with whatever I wanted in my space. I could organise however I wanted. I figured at that time that my biggest issue was more stuff than space; so I came up with good workable storage solutions... ᴿᴹ Declutter Spend some time decluttering all that you don’t need or want anymore. You will find that this immediately frees up a lot more space. Resist the urge to buy new things to fill up your new found space; or if you do buy something new, you could implement a one in, one out rule. If you have items you're not sure about keeping or discarding, think about having a 2-year rule. If you haven't used or missed items within 2 years, think about getting rid of the item altogether. If you're worried about wastefulness, you can consider selling items on or donating to charity.
ᴿᴹ Find everything a home Give everything you own a home so you can ultimately have a place for everything and have everything in its place. Get storage bins, additional drawers and other types of storage solutions. Get into the habit of putting things back after using them to always stay in order at home.
ᴿᴹ Scale your furniture to your room
This may seem like an obvious point but make sure your furniture is right for your room. Furniture that is proportionately too big for your room can look overwhelming and may get in the way of you have a clean and organised space. Furniture that is too small can be impractical and difficult to keep to its intended use and may end up looking like clutter.
ᴿᴹ Accessibility I have found that the more accessible something is, the more likely I am to use it. Apparently, people use 20% of their things 80% of the time; I don’t know the original source of the information and I don’t know how accurate this information even is but I do think there is some truth to this. I used to be a seasonal girl and have what I needed in my wardrobe and store everything else away in suitcases. This often meant I would end up forgetting about what I had and would go out and buy a duplicate of what I already owned.
ᴿᴹ Sort out paper documents
Sort out all your paper documents as soon as possible otherwise it's so easy for this to become an overwhelming task where you have mountains of paper to sift through. See what you have and file what you need and discard what you don't need. Shred anything with confidential information.
ᴿᴹ Sensible shopping Identify what makes you spend money and address it. For me, it was forgetting about what I owned and where I stored it. So I have addressed this. I also try very hard to not shop when bored or depressed. Find what your shopping trigger is and find a way to cut it down. ᴿᴹ A little bit everyday Do a little something everyday to keep your space neat and organised. Incorporate it into your routine so it doesn’t feel like a chore. This will help you keep your space looking very neat and easier to manage than if you were to tackle a massive mess in one day. ᴿᴹ Make your own rules You’re trying to be organised to make your own life easier so make your own rules. No one knows your life better than you. No one knows what will work better for you than you do so make your things work for you in a way that only you will know how.