Comparison can be harmful. You are on your own path and you will have a beautiful life
A person might say they are a 'late bloomer' cause they started to date when they were in their 20s whilst someone else aged 50 may not have experienced their first kiss yet. Someone with £150.00 in the bank might feel lucky to be able to eat at home while someone else might feel overwhelmed by constantly having to stay at home to eat. The point is no one has it as easy as you think and no one is living a life free of stress.
Life is not always about setting goals and achieving them. Instead, it is about how you get up and move on when you fall down. Comparing yourself to people who seemingly have it all sorted is probably one of the meanest and hardest things people do to yourself.
You were once someone who had dreams and goals and somewhere along the way, you became disillusioned. You feel you are not good enough and things will never work out for you while everyone else is having successful relationships and careers.
Here's a secret.....people are not as sorted as you think. They are as sorted as they would like you to think. People, including yourself, are always in control of how much of themselves they choose to share with the world. The so-called 'put together' people just choose to showcase that part of themselves.
Your friends may have the ideal life but what works for them may not necessarily work out for you. No two people are the same or will lead the same life and will most likely be hitting those "life targets" at different points in their lives. Don't feel like you are left behind while all your friends are getting married, having babies and progressing with their careers. You are progressing with your life as well. Take a moment to pause and reflect on where you were a year ago.
Keep your head held high and be happy and proud with all that you have done so far. Write out a list of all your achievements and be sure to check on it whenever you find yourself in the comparison game.
Reaching your goals will be an accumulation of all your hard work. Focus on yourself and being the best you that you can be. Don't get hung up on what everyone else is doing; lead your life your way. Be happy with everything you do, everything you have and everything that you are. After all, the person that you are is a gift to the world.