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Long Term Friendships: From School Friends to Adulthood Friendships

It's easy to be friends with someone you see everyday. Friendships and relationships strengthen effort is made to see each other.

Make time for each other

In some ways, it's nice to be young and know you will getting to see your friends everyday at school. After you finish school, you may end up going to different colleges or universities. Seeing each other is no longer a daily thing. So, be sure to make the time to see each other regularly and catch up on each other's lives.

As you get older and busier with your lives you will have less time to invest into maintaining your old friendships. So be sure to put in the time when things in your life are relatively quieter. My oldest friendships are over 25 years old; people I went to school with, people I now don't talk to often but when I do, I have the best time ever.

Visit each other

Your lives may have become so separate that you are no longer living in the same city or even the same country. Arrange to see each other, book a holiday, stay at their place (if you're close enough to) and just visit each other. Not only will this be so much fun but it will strengthen your friendship.

Social media

I know that social media has a bad rep, but for so many reasons I am a big advocate for it. Be on each other's social media, be it Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc.. It's a quick way to be in touch with most of your friends. A simple like and comment on pictures is low-effort engagement but it keeps you in each other's lives when things are hectic and you're too busy to schedule anything in.

Send messages

Send messages to each other, be it a meme about an inside joke or a 'hey how are you?' kind of message. Regularly check in on each other to keep the contact going strong.

Celebrating the small wins

Your school friends can at one point feel like an extension of your family. You will know them on a deeper level than than the other friends you have. You will know when they have hit a personal goal. Congratulate and celebrate their victories with them.

Be there for each other

Life can be unpredictable and difficult at times. We will go through hardships, losses and struggles. Be there for each other during those tough times. Show you care by giving them space to talk, stay with them when they need support. Friendships and relationships that can withstand hardships always end up stronger.


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