I've had my fair share of job searches, applications, interviews and hiring throughout my adult years. I've finally nailed down a foolproof way of landing that next big role...
Evaluate what you want
Whenever you are looking for a new job, think about what you want to be doing. You don't have to continue doing the same job or even stay in the same sector. Take some time to hone in what you want. The times in your life that you are not working is the time to think about the work that you would want to be doing and that will give you some fulfilment. You can always pick up on previous skills and experiences you have gained to tailor your CV and job applications to the job you're looking to apply to.
Update your CV
When you know what you want to do, you can update your CV. If you are not fully sure about what you want to do and you have a few options in your mind, create a few different CVs, each one catered to the different type of work you have in mind.
Create a folder titled 'CVs' and then make some subfolders for the different types of job you want to apply for. Save the CVs in the right subfolders. This way, the recruiters won't know you're looking at other types of jobs and in other sectors. I find it best to save CVs with your name followed by month and year (eg. Renata Mahmud June 2022). This tells the recruiter that you have taken time out to update your CV.
Create a spreadsheet on Google Docs
Create an account with Google (it's free!!) and make a spreadsheet for your job application. This is going to be one of the most important tools you will you be using for your job search.
If you are looking at a few different job options, use the bottom of the spreadsheet to make a few different tabs. Each tab will be used for a different job. If you know specifically what job you want to do, then you will only need one tab :)
In each tab write the word CV in the first cell of the spreadsheet and link the relevant CV in each of the tab. Use the symbol below to link your CV, can be found on your toolbar.
From the second row start creating different columns. I usually like to have the following 'Date applied', 'Role', 'Company', 'Source', 'CV', 'Covering Letter', 'Outcome' and 'Notes'. Complete the table as you start finding and applying for the different jobs. Make sure to add in links as you go. For the role, link with the job advertisement. For the company, link to the company website. For the source, link to the job board where you found the job posting (LinkedIn, Indeed, Google, Monstor, Reed, etc..). For CV, open the relevant CV you have made for the job- tweak it so you mention you are applying for that particular job and why you want to work for that company. Now link that CV in the field. Link any covering letter you needed to write. In the outcome, mention if you have been invited to an interview or any other outcomes. The Notes section is for you to make a note of anything about the job that you may need to know.
This spreadsheet is your Bible for job applications. When you get invited to interviews (which you will), go through the different links, making sure you studied the company and the job application thoroughly.
Compile a list of Job boards
As you start finding jobs that you like, create a list of the job boards that you found most helpful. While you may be putting your best foot forward in the job hunt, the process is not entirely in your control. To some extent, there is an element of luck involved. After all, you're not in control of when a company has a vacant post.
Start applying
Apply for the jobs you see if you are remotely interested and you match some of their skills. It's not about settling for any job but it's about getting in the practice. The more you apply, the more feedback you get and the more comfortable you become in your interviews.
Be contactable
This might sound obvious but if you are applying any jobs, make sure you are contactable. Always have your phone on you; be mindful if you are ever without network signal and look out for any voice messages you may have received. Check your emails regularly. And make sure you get back to the recruiters as soon as possible.
Don't stress
Job hunting can be a daunting and an overwhelming process. But do not let that put you off. Know that you are doing your best and showing up for yourself. The rest is sure to follow. Keep on going on.....