Anxiety is a feeling of extreme overwhelm and worry. It's common for people to feel. There may be different triggers for different people.
Here are some strategies of trying to manage your anxieties...
ᴿᴹ Positive self-talk
You did not become anxious overnight. It happened over time. You've spoken negatively to yourself and perhaps that started when you got negative feedback from others. Think of your anxiety as a muscle. You've trained and strengthened this by constantly telling yourself you're inadequate and that you are not good enough. Start talking positively to yourself, pay attention to all that is good about you. Start keeping a track of any positive comments people give you. Retrain your brain to see all that is positive about you.
ᴿᴹ Talk to people
Sometimes sharing a problem is a way of halving that problem. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable by a certain situation or even by a conversation, then speak to people about it. Let others know how you are feeling. It may not entirely resolve things for you but it will give you more a sense of control and make things easier for you.
ᴿᴹ Avoid avoidance
Avoid completely eliminating the things that cause you anxiety. It's okay to sometimes avoid things but to completely avoid it will make things much scarier than they need to be.
ᴿᴹ Gradual exposure therapy
Try doing some gradual exposure therapy on yourself. Challenge your comfort zone; it might be difficult at first but you will build up your confidence by facing your fears. Don't overwhelm yourself; just go with the pace that you are most comfortable with. Pushing your boundaries just a little beyond your comfort zone but not too much that you're overwhelmed and do not want to continue.
ᴿᴹ Leave the space
As much as we want to be in control of our emotions, we cannot always be in charge of that. We cannot control our anxieties and we cannot control the things that happen around us. And sometimes, that is okay. Your life is not determined by your anxieties and your triggers and you are not any less worthy. Sometimes, just take control and leave the room; get yourself some physical space and distance from anything triggering. Your priority is yourself.
ᴿᴹ Breathing exercises
Imagine when you are breathing, you are just taking in all the good and breathing out all the bad.
It's okay to feel anxious sometimes but if it becomes too overwhelming and you feel that it is impacting on your life, you can seek support. Speak to your GP about getting a referral to see a counsellor.