You will be spending most of your working hours at work. Stay out of office politics and enjoy where you are...
Work can at one point feel like a second home and your colleagues can feel like family. You work together as a team with a shared goal and focus. However, somewhere down the line, possibly due to some boredom and mundanity kicking in, but some office gossip may start. One thing can lead to other and the place you used to enjoy going to has now become a toxic workplace where the office politics is rife.
Simple ways to avoid getting into office politics....
Maintain Professional Boundaries
Boundaries are different for different people. Your boundaries may also change with time, as you identify the things that you are and are not comfortable with. When boundaries become blurred and you find that you are in an uncomfortable position, have a word with the colleague in question. Stand your ground and let them know what you will and will not stand for. Be sure to also respect other people's boundaries and never be scared to apologise if you feel you may have crossed them.
Office Gossip
Gossip in the office should be kept to something fun and harmless, something trivial that doesn't affect the work environment. Anything serious should not be discussed. You can gossip about David ordering a personalised mug but let's not talk about Travis' misdemeanours in the copy-room.
Your colleagues are not your friends
The people you work with are first your colleagues and second your friends. You may spend a lot of time with them and share a lot of your deep thoughts with them but if they are in a compromising position, they will always act like your colleague first and friendship won't come into it. Don't confuse the two.
Avoid forming cliques
It's very normal for you to naturally gravitate towards certain colleagues especially if you have similar sense of humours and that's okay. You can arrange to meet up for drinks after work and socialise. But avoid forming cliques or anything that can be construed to be clique-forming. If you're planning a work social, be sure to invite everyone. If you're going to celebrate a birthday and you've brought in cake, don't forget about anyone whose on a gluten-free diet.2
Staying Neutral
Fingers crossed you will never have to be in a position where you will have to pick a side or be in the middle of a situation. But life can be messy and so too can the workplace. If you are caught up in the middle, stay neutral and objective. Hear people out when they speak to you and if they want your opinion, stick with the facts and stay as neutral as possible. Being neutral and objective has never hurt anyone. 0