Whether it was long considered or something that was soon realised, the last few months have seen a record number of people handing in their resignation...
The pandemic, though incredibly disruptive and chaotic to everyone's lives, it has also been quite a humbling experience. We've realised that some things are not always within our control and that our mental health is as important as our physical health. We may work hard, put money aside each month, take care of our health and have Plan B, C and D in our heads in case Plan A doesn't work out and yet something so unexpected and unprecedented comes along and sweeps the globe of its axis. I am yet to meet someone whose life was not been affected in some way by the pandemic and the effects of this can really be noticed in the job market.
Employers have seen a record number of people leaving their jobs in pursuit of something more fulfilling and more in line with what they want. Job seekers are seeing their options have increased and there are so many opportunities to explore. Work is no longer confined to the office, meetings can be done remotely and there is less need for in-person contact.
This has no doubt become a major factor in the great resignation. There is so much more scope for better work-life balance. Work, as important as it is, is no longer considered to be the most important thing in someone's life. Rather, it is cog in the machine that helps keep everything else moving along. And to quote a YouTube video I once watched several years ago, 'your 9 to 5 is there to fund your 5 to 9'.
With the job market finally being in the candidates' favour, it seems that this is the perfect time to explore opportunities, look at the gaps in our CV and think of ways to finally land that dream job in that dream company you have longed for for so long.
So, with all that I am so pro-The Great Resignation. I think it's indicative of the control people are taking back. Life really is too short to be in the wrong job and in the wrong company.
If you're seeking a new role, now is the best time to go for your dream role.